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     Information on News: ?


    News is essentially new information or current events. This article discusses news in the context of journalism.News is reported by newspapers, television and radio programs, Web sites, RSS feeds and wire services. News reporting is a type of journalism, typically written or broadcast in news style. Most news is investigated and presented by journalists (or reporters) and often distributed via news agencies. To be considered newsworthy, an event usually must have broad interest due to one or more news values:

    • Impact (how many people were, are or will be affected?)
    • Timeliness (did the event occur very recently?)
    • Revelation (is there significant new information, previously unknown?)
    • Proximity (was the event nearby geographically?)
    • Oddity (was the event highly unusual?)
    • Entertainment (does it make for a fun story?)
    • Celebrity (was anyone famous involved?)
    Channels OF News
    1. NewspaperA newspaper is a lightweight and disposable publication (more specifically, a periodical), usually printed on low-cost paper called newsprint. It may be general or special interest, and may be published daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly, bimonthly, or quarterly.General-interest newspapers are usually journals of current news on a variety of topics. Those can include political events, crime, business, sports, and opinions (either editorials, columns, or political.

    2. TelivisionTelevision is a telecommunication system for broadcasting and receiving moving pictures and sound over a distance. The term has come to refer to all the aspects of television programming and transmission as well.

    3. Radio

    4. Radio is the wireless transmission of signals, by modulation of electromagnetic waves with frequencies below those of light.

    5. WebsitesA website, Web site or WWW site (often shortened to just site) is a collection of web pages, that is, HTML/XHTML documents accessible generally via HTTP on the Internet; all publicly accessible websites in existence comprise the World Wide Web. The pages of a website will be accessed from a common root URL, the homepage, and usually reside on the same physical server. The URLs of the pages organize them into a hierarchy, although the hyperlinks between them control how the reader perceives the overall structure and how the traffic flows between the different parts of the site.

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