3 Ways A Change In Lifestyle Can Improve Your Health

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People are living longer in contemporary society than they did in the past. For example, the average life expectancy in the US and the EU is 79 and 80 years respectively. These same regions reported an average lifespan of 30 to 40 years in the 1800s. Unfortunately, lifestyle diseases are eroding the gains in medicine and healthcare that made it possible for people to live for many years. These diseases include strokes, heart disease, atherosclerosis, Type 2 Diabetes, and obesity. Others are hypertension and colon cancer. Changing your lifestyle is an excellent way of avoiding them. In fact, you can improve your health in three ways. Here they are.

Start by Eating Healthy Foods

Start by Eating Healthy Foods

In most cases, you are what you eat. That means your state of health is a reflection of what you consume. For instance, did you know that the heavy presence of glucose in your blood leads to Type 2 Diabetes? In fact, scientists associate excess weight with 60% to 80% of the cases of Type 2 Diabetes among people of European and African descent. Similarly high figures appear among other groups of people. Some of its symptoms include a heightened level of thirst, increased hunger for food, chronic fatigue, and frequent urination. You can avoid this state of health by eating foods that are low in sugar and fat. For example, go for fruits and leafy vegetables. Eat fish such as tuna and salmon. Consume cereals that are rich in protein and fiber. Only take dairy products that are low in fat or free of it.

Play Sports More Often Than You Do

Play Sports More Often Than You Do

Unfortunately, many people opt for a sedentary lifestyle where they sit and work the whole day before they go home to sleep. Consequently, their level of physical activity is extremely low. That unhealthy lifestyle leads to several diseases. For instance, studies show that lack of one hour and a half of physical exercises each week may lead to coronary heart disease, Type 2 Diabetes, Breast Cancer, and Colon Cancer. Playing sports frequently helps you surpass this minimum threshold by a large margin. You can even choose sporting games with a minimal level of activity such as golf or horse riding. You can also go for defensive sports such as martial arts or unique ones such a rollerblading or bushwalking.

Learning to Play Ukulele

Learning to Play Ukulele

The ukulele is a musical instrument that has its origins in Hawaii. It was their version of a similar item introduced to the island by Portuguese immigrants. It is a highly distinctive instrument universally accepted as part of Hawaiian musical tradition. Learning to play a ukulele would help you live healthy in several ways. For example, doing so would reduce your level of stress. Instead, your focus would be on replicating the beats you heard. Playing this instrument would stimulate your mind as well because you would be thinking of creating new songs. Finally, playing the ukulele attracts people to where you are. That means you will have companionship as people come to hear you play. Depression is unlikely when you can create beautiful music and you have many companions.

These are the primary lifestyle changes that you can make in your life to live healthily. Others are as following

Buying and Using Workout Machines

Buying and Using Workout Machines

A rigorous workout regime is impossible without the requisite tools and equipment. Consequently, you have to buy workout machines if you are serious about your health. You can also find them at the gym in case they are too expensive or bulky for you. Suitable devices include weighted crunches, seated triceps extension, and a lateral raise machine. Ordinary equipment for home use includes dumbbells, treadmills, gym balls, indoor rowers, and cross trainers.

Getting a Sleeping Aid

Getting a Sleeping Aid

An adequate level of sleep is critical to the health of your body for various reasons. For example, a study in 2010 discovered something interesting about women aged 50 to 79 years. More specifically, those who slept for six and a half hours daily lived longer than those who slept for five hours a day. Another study in the same year revealed another thought-provoking detail about a protein commonly associated with a high risk of heart disease. Known as C-reactive, this protein’s presence in a person was inversely proportional to the amount of sleep that individual got. In other words, the more you slept, then the less of it you had. Get a sleeping aid today so that you can rest well and for long hours. Doing so will help you live longer in addition to avoiding the risk of developing certain diseases such as heart disease.

In summary, your health is in your hands. You can live long while avoiding these lifestyle diseases. Change a few habits, and your quality of life will improve dramatically. Another excellent idea is to avoid smoking and drinking alcohol because consuming them increases your risk of developing lifestyle diseases as well.

Annie Jones
Annie Jones
Annie Jones is a writer who has been contributing to the health, fashion, and finance sections for the past 10 years. She is also a cooking enthusiast who focuses on healthy food and has a passion for creating new recipe


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