How to Teach the Next Generation About Water Conservation

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The world is changing at an unprecedented rate. With new positive advancements in technology and science, come some not so positive side effects on the environment. An area where the concern is heavily placed is water shortages. Those of us in North America might not be seeing the results of this quite so acutely yet, however globally, these are daily struggles for many individuals.

On the Rise

On the Rise

Two of the biggest contributors to shortages in water are climate change and population growth. The rising global temperature partnered with an accelerating growth in population make a recipe for distress. With the bulk of the world’s population residing in urban areas, the stress on water consumption and supply is vast. With time, this will only begin to become a more pressing issue as the global population is expected to propagate at unfathomable rates. We can already see some of the effects global warming is having on our planet, and with time, these problems will make their way into the lives of all people, including us here in North America.

Sustainability and Prevention

Sustainability and Prevention
Many city councils are beginning to become proactive in undertaking this challenge, through developing new ways to create sustainable metropolitan areas that will be able to support growth and expansion. Not only are new developments necessary, but targeting the root of the problem is as well. Success has been seen in cities that decided to fix the current wasteful systems rather than solely implementing new (and often expensive) methods. By using water leak detection services, they were able to fix leaky pipes in homes and industrial areas. This was an immediate fix for a manageable issue, with the result being tons of water saved.

Starting Young

Starting Young
Change begins with the upcoming generation. By teaching youth about the importance of water conservation and management, they will become conscious consumers and more aware of the effects their actions have on the earth. Not only will they have the tools required to implement change, but by learning about why water preservation is essential, they will be inspired and motivated to create that change. Their education means that moving forward, these systems of conservation will be inherent, rather than a lifestyle adjustment, as it is currently.

To begin such an education, there are many interesting and fun ways to get youth involved and excited to learn about water conservation. Some ideas include:

Exposure to Natural and Pristine Water Sources

This would involve field trips to local rivers, lakes and conservation areas where the group can not only be educated on water preservation but engage in discussions. Giving them a voice once they’ve gained a foundation of understanding on the problem will inspire them to think outside the box and contribute to creative ideas. Taking that a step further, the group can do an in-depth analysis on specific ways their own city can help reduce water wastage. Presenting it to a local municipal representative might inspire them to take more action, and feel encouragement in standing up for matters they believe in. Helping them see a plan go from an idea to something tangible is a great way to foster confidence and determination.

Group Projects for

Group Projects for
Change can occur within the four walls of a school itself. Beginning by explaining the importance of water conservation to give students a foundation of understanding, have them complete group projects where they undertake their own school. Rather than keeping it theoretical, give them the autonomy to speak to the school board and principles. Digging deep can help them comprehend the root of the problem – how can their own facility reduce water wastage? As students, where do they notice water being poorly used? This project should be hands-on and based on real facts, evidence, and numbers. Bringing the school together for a common goal would be an exciting and rewarding way to instill interest in students.

Essay Writing

Essay Writing
Essay writing is a fantastic way to have a student gain a deeper comprehension of the problem at hand. Through their own research and resources, they will come across materials that will give them a broader, as well as a micro, perspective on the issue in its entirety. Having a global understanding of cause and effect might infuse and peak their curiosities, perpetuating their thirst for creating change.

Water Fairs

Bringing together a community is always a fun way to impart knowledge on a serious problem. Students can help plan ideas and activities for the school and the local community to learn about water conservation. Some ideas include games and sports, a parade, arts and crafts, concession stands (companies making food from less water usage, water-conscious brands), educational booths (governmental water boards, a water leak detection company, health and wellness organizations), musicians, and performances.

The event can become an annual festival where a collective goal is in mind. The goal can simply be to raise awareness, or it can go further with something calculable. Perhaps aiming to reduce community water consumption by a certain percentage every year, or cleaning up river banks and nature areas of toxic waste. Making the event a fun and full-out affair is a great way to inspire and enthuse.

The next generation is our beacon of hope for an intrinsic society practicing water preservation. With the right tools and knowledge, the youth of today will naturally grow into adults who not only implement water preservation daily but who truly understand and care about why it’s important.


Annie Jones
Annie Jones
Annie Jones is a writer who has been contributing to the health, fashion, and finance sections for the past 10 years. She is also a cooking enthusiast who focuses on healthy food and has a passion for creating new recipe


  1. Water Conservation is essential, without that life is simply impossible, as it is a home of many living creatures, way to earn money for many like Fishers & also contributing a lot in agriculture too. So, conserve water.

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