How To Choose The Right Ladies Winter Wetsuits

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Choosing the correct women’s winter wetsuit needn’t be the headache that many consider it to be. As with all women’s wetsuits there are important things to look out for, but naturally the main one that springs to mind is warmth. A high quality ladies wetsuit will help you keep warm even when the water temperature drops.

So, what are the things to think about when buying women’s wetsuits? Let’s have a look at the three main points to be on the lookout for:

FitHow a women’s winter wetsuit fits is an all important factor in maintaining warmth against the cold sea water. If a ladies winter wetsuit is ill fitting and at all baggy around the wrists, ankles or neck, cold water will be allowed to enter the women’s wetsuit and displace the layer of water that has been warmed by the body within the women’s winter wetsuit. This will greatly increase the chance of heat loss from the body as the cooler sea water replaces, or ‘flushes’, the warmer water out.

Construction – How the women’s wetsuits are made can also affect heat retention enormously. If there are weak points within the women’s winter wetsuit, for example zips and seams, then the chances of cold water entering the suit will be increased. Poorly stitched seams can result in women’s wetsuits becoming very poor insulators and should be something that is scrutinised closely when making a purchase. Zips too can be hugely wasteful where warmth retention is concerned. Cold water that seeps through the teeth of ladies winter wetsuits can be combatted quite effectively with the help of a zip baffle. This small layer of material that lies across the rear of the zip can stop large amounts of water entering into the suit. It works by compressing the material against the inside of the ladies winter wetsuits, a further reason that a good fit is essential.

Thickness – The thickness of the neoprene that you choose will make a difference to the warmth of the suit. A 5/3mm wetsuit will be warmer than a 5mm wetsuit. The 5mm wetsuit is suitable for sea temperatures of 9° Centigrade (48° Fahrenheit) and above. However, should you be entering colder waters, you may want to consider moving up to a 5/3mm wetsuit if not thicker. How comfortable you feel can also have a bearing on whether to choose a 5mm wetsuit or a 5/3mm wetsuit and above.

If one of these points is neglected then the others will become worthless, regardless of their quality. For instance, if you were thinking of buying new women’s wetsuits that came with dryzips (like the ones that can be found on drysuits), and you neglected the fit of the suit, the extra money that the dryzip costs will have been totally wasted. Think of buying a new wetsuit as a whole package, rather than go for the latest gimmick that has entered the market. It is far better to be warm than to be wasteful.

Annie Jones
Annie Jones
Annie Jones is a writer who has been contributing to the health, fashion, and finance sections for the past 10 years. She is also a cooking enthusiast who focuses on healthy food and has a passion for creating new recipe

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